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Home arrow Projects & Studies arrow Southern California Area - Projects arrow 104812 - Aliso Creek Mainstem, CA
104812 - Aliso Creek Mainstem, CA Print
Written by Edward Louie   
Wednesday, 07 November 2007

General Project Information

Project ID:  104812
Business Program: Environment - Ecosystem Restoration
Project Manager: LOUIE, EDWARD B
Congressional District: CA48
Customer/Sponsor: County of Orange

Project Synopsis

15-Jun-2006 -- Project Description
Study area location is in South Orange County about 40 miles southeast of Los Angeles. Watershed covers approximately 36 sq. miles. Study was previously funded as part of the overall Aliso Creek Watershed Management study and will examine channel stability, environmental restoration, and recreation. Channel degradation and flood damage along mainstem of Aliso Creek and some of its tributaries has caused severe environmental degradation. Infrastructure damage in recent years has exceeded $5M and is continuing to grow at an increasing rate.

Project Status

18-Oct-2007 -- Project Status
Study was previously funded as part of the overall Aliso Creek Watershed Mangement study and will examine channel stability, environmental restoration, and recreation. At 22 Jul 06 Executive meeting, study manager stated that $350K is in current FY with $273K carryover. Focus work includes H&H, Environmental, Econ Analysis and Cultural Resources. Study manager do not know status of Section 219, therefore, F2 is on hold until additional information on status of section 219 is identified. Study manager to continue with baseline conditions report, anticipated to be completed by end of FY07 (Sep07). Delay in completion of F2 due to sponsor's requests for revisions to the PMP. Also, sponsor cost-sharing breakdown is being re-negotiated to include a larger share of In-Kind credit. Once the PMP negotiations are complete, efforts will continue on the Feasibility Study.Congressman Campbell's District Director, Lou Penrose requested a meeting with the DE on Monday, 18 Dec 06 with Ken Steadman of Micro Media Filtration. Subject matter by Mr. Steadman is likely related to the efforts of the OC stateholders to have a surface water treatment facility built on the Aliso Creek Mainstem. Orange County Resources and Development Management Department (OCRDMD), the City of Laguna Beach and other private interests are seeking FY07appropriations for $45M under the Section 219 program for Environmental infastructure.SPL is currently involved in a GI feasibility study with OCRDMD, focusing on ecosystem restoration for Aliso Creek Mainstem. Should a Section 219 be authorize

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