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104747 - Mugu Lagoon, CA Print
Written by Darrell Buxton   
Thursday, 08 November 2007

Link: Agencies Map Calleguas Creek Permit Plan 

General Project Information

Project ID:  104747
Business Program: Environment - Ecosystem Restoration
Project Manager: BUXTON, DARRELL WA
Congressional District: CA23,CA24
Customer/Sponsor: Ventura County

Project Synopsis

7-Apr-2005 -- Project Description
PROMIS Comment Number 21Mugu Lagoon is located about 50 miles northwest of Los Angeles in Ventura County, CA. Mugu Lagoon provides habitat for hundreds of wildlife species including several Fed and State endangered and threatened species. The original intent of this study was to investigate the impacts of sediment derived from the Calleguas Creek watershed on the long-term viability of the Mugu Lagoon estuary system and to develop strategies to ensure this viability. This study will also examine water resource related problems in the Calleguas Creek watershed with the intent to develop an overall Watershed Management Plan. The report will include a brief write up of potential projects within the watershed. These potential projects will/could be pursued under separate feasibility studies.

Please contact Jay Field for more information @ 213-452-3717

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