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013663 - San Diego County Shoreline / Oceanside, CA Print
Written by Regina Blasberg   
Friday, 07 July 2006


San Diego County Shoreline Feasibility Study

Project Status:
07/07/2006 - The study will not only investigate Federal interest in a project to reduce storm damage reduction along the City’s shoreline, but it will also recommend apportioning the Federal and non-Federal costs to construct the project in accordance with the magnitude of interference of sand transport caused by the Federal jetty/breakwater.

The Without Project Conditions (F3) draft report was completed in June 2005. The F3 baseline conference was held in August 2005.  The FY06 funding allocation in the amount of $99,000 will be used to complete the Internal Technical Review (ITR) process for the F3 report, and to begin development of plan formulation methodologies for the study area.
Because of the complexity of the coastal engineering analysis (experts from the University of Florida, the University of Oregon, and Scripps have been involved) and the time required resolving these complexities, the District’s Optimal Funding for FY07 is $400,000, which will allow us to continue with the feasibility report. Given the complexity of the study overall, a study cost increase is expected in the future to complete the study.

Executive Summary:
This study will assess the impacts that the federal navigation features at the Oceanside/Camp Pendleton Harbor have upon the shoreline recession problem currently experienced at the City of Oceanside. The study will also develop alternatives to provide storm damage protection to residential and commercial properties along Oceanside’s shoreline.

This $1.9 million study is being funded at 100% federal cost.

Background Information:
Oceanside is located approximately 85 miles south of Los Angeles and 30 miles north of San Diego, just south of Camp Pendleton. Oceanside Harbor is a small craft commercial and recreational harbor protected by a 1,326-meter breakwater to the north and a 405-meter jetty to the south. The Harbor is located between the mouths of the Santa Margarita River to the north and the San Luis Rey River to the south.

Historically, the width of the beach was primarily controlled by the amount of sediment the rivers contributed to the littoral zone and by the alongshore transport rate. The construction of the Harbor and dams constructed on the San Luis Rey and Santa Margarita rivers have significantly reduced the amount of sand available to the natural renourishment of the beach. Current sand bypassing efforts have only been able to replace a small portion of the sand the beach would have otherwise received.

The purpose of the study is to identify and quantify harbor-related beach narrowing, identify and quantify other potential causes of beach narrowing and impacts, estimate the downcoast distance that harbor effects can be detected, and provide mitigation measures for the downcoast erosional impacts.

FAQs/Public Opinion/Comments

1. Where is the study area located?

The study area is located in San Diego County, California about 85 miles south of Los Angeles and 30 miles north of San Diego. It includes a small craft commercial and recreational harbor located just south of the Camp Pendleton Marine Base and between the Santa Margarita and San Luis Rey rivers. The affected coastline being studied extends from Las Flores Creek in the north to the southern border of the Oceanside Littoral cell.

2. Why is the San Diego County Shoreline being studied?

Soon after the Oceanside Harbor was constructed in 1942, the beaches along Oceanside began eroding. Despite the placement of large amounts of sand, the shoreline south of the harbor continues to erode. This is of great concern to the community since the reduced beach width increases the vulnerability of the shore development during seasonal and storm events.

3. What are the goals of the San Diego County Shoreline Feasibility Study?

The Feasibility Study is a comprehensive study that formulates and defines alternative plans of improvement that best satisfy the study’s planning objectives. It includes a detailed analysis of the present, future and without project conditions of the Oceanside shoreline study area. The goals of the study are to investigate the erosion problem more thoroughly and develop alternative solutions. More specifically the study will identify and quantify harbor-related beach narrowing, identify and quantify other potential causes of beach narrowing and impacts, estimate the downcoast distance that harbor effects can be detected, and provide mitigation measures for the downcoast erosional impacts.

4. How much does the San Diego County Shoreline Feasibility Study cost?

Currently the Feasibility Study is estimated to cost $1.9 M. The city of Oceanside is the local sponsor for the study and would typically be responsible for 50% of the Feasibility Study costs. However, the Water Resources Development Act of 2000 (WRDA 2000) stated that this study should be 100% federally funded.

5. What is the San Diego County Shoreline Feasibility Study timeline?

Currently we are conducting the plan formulation phase of the study, which we anticipate will take less than one year to complete depending on funding. This phase includes the “with” and “without” project conditions as well as the environmental and geologic survey baselines.

6. What will the result of the Feasibility Study be?

The intent of the Feasibility Study is to further develop and define a plan of improvements that best satisfies the specific planning objectives. It involves further analysis of the study area’s present and future conditions, problems and needs, and formulation of alternative plans. Ultimately the Feasibility Study will result in determination of the best project alternative. One that will resolve the shoreline erosion problem and enhance overall beach stability.


Satellite photo of study area



Study Manager:
Regina Blasberg
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(213) 245-3801

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