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Home arrow Projects & Studies arrow Southern California Area - Projects arrow 105175 - North San Diego County, CA
105175 - North San Diego County, CA Print
Written by Myung Chung   
Thursday, 08 November 2007

General Project Information

Project ID:  105175
Business Program: CAP - Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration
Project Manager: CHUNG, MYUNG N
Congressional District: CA48,CA49,CA51

Project Synopsis

Project Status

21-Feb-2006 -- Synopsis/Status/Issues
SHORELINE EROSION CONTROL DEVELOPMENT (SECTION 227)Features of the most likely project: Program provides a vehicle by which shore protection devices, designs, and methods can be constructed, monitored and evaluated. A minimum of seven project areas along the shores of the United States have been specified for the Program, with at least one project targeted for the California coastline in Ventura County. Opportunities in Northern San Diego County at Carlsbad, Encinitas or Solana Beach were considered for a Section 227 demo projects. However, a project at the Mobil Oil Pier in Ventura County was selected as the demo project in southern California to be constructed. The project would entail the construction of an L-Shape artificial reef made out of geotextile containers in conjunction with creating a salient on the beach.Cost and cost sharing of most likely project:Total Cost (Ventura County site) - $2,000,000 (100% Federal)Project sponsor:BEACONProject/study backers: State of California Department of Boating & WaterwaysERDCIWRSources of funds for sponsor and any qualifications on funding sources: Funding source is 100% federal funds from the Construction General program under the Section 227 line item.Significant issues that may affect cost, schedule, or come to the attention of the Congressperson: The Fiscal Year 2005 budget included $6,000,000 for the
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