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Home arrow Projects & Studies arrow Southern California Area - Projects arrow 114309 - Mojave River Reservoir, CA
114309 - Mojave River Reservoir, CA Print
Written by Keith Ayers   
Thursday, 08 November 2007

General Project Information

Project ID:  114309
Business Program: Flood and Coastal Storm Damage Reduction - Riverin
Project Manager: AYERS, KEITH D
Congressional District: CA40
Customer/Sponsor: San Bernardino County

Project Synopsis

27-Feb-2007 -- Scope/Synopsis - FY07
Project Description: Project is located 100 miles E of Los Angeles in San Bernardino Co.PROJECT FEATURESDam (earthfill; 106 feet-high; 1,250 feet-long)Service RoadsSpillway RoadsOutlet WorksSaddle Dike (earthfill)Reservoir (89,669 acre-feet cap spillway crest - -1975)1 Recreation Area - Temporarily closed in FY 2001 for renovations. Number of Visitors to Recreation Area in FY 2000 - 8,400.

Project Status

27-Feb-2007 -- Status - FY07
Status:Initially placed in operation May 1971. Fully operational November 1974. Project condition is fair.
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