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Home arrow Projects & Studies arrow Southern California Area - Projects arrow 104641 - English Creek Aquatic Restoration
104641 - English Creek Aquatic Restoration Print
Written by Edward Louie   
Wednesday, 07 November 2007

General Project Information

Project ID:  104641
Business Program: CAP - Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration
Project Manager: LOUIE, EDWARD B
Congressional District: CA42

Project Synopsis

18-Oct-2007 -- Project Description
The project area is located in the City of Mission Viejo along English Creek between Los Alisos Boulevard and Entidad Street, where English Creek originates. The project area consists of two sites along the creek. Site I is approximately 415 meters (1,362 feet) in length between the two Los Alisos Road crossings (Stations 503 + 85 to 508 +00) and has a 6.1 m (20 ft) bottom width, 2:1 side slopes with a total channel width of 20 m, and is lined with gabions (steel wire mesh covering/containing a rock retaining wall). The channel here supports almost no vegetation and is completely unshaded. The top of the right bank (facing downstream) is a concrete masonry unit wall. The top of the left bank includes a maintenance access road and grassed hillside.Restoration will potentially provide Riparian [and coastal sage scrub] habitat for listed threatened and endangered wildlife species, including Least Bell's vireo (Vireo belli pusillus), re-establish stream flow and beneficial hydrology to a portion of English Creek, and enhance biological community structure.

Project Status

31-Aug-2007 -- Project Status
Kick-off meeting was held with sponsor and Corps staff on 28 Oct 05. Corps Environmental team met with sponsor to discuss HEP analysis on 3 Feb 06 at Sponsor's office. Recent funding request by Study Manager on 26 Jan 07 to provide funding for MIPR to Fish and Wildlife Service for a draft and final CAR, and HEP participation. The PDT has developed four (4) Alternatives (including No Action alternative). Draftt DPR is scheduled to be completed by Dec 07 and final DPR by 28 Jan 08.
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