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Home arrow Projects & Studies arrow Southern California Area - Projects arrow 104821 - Cucamonga & Deer Creek Ecosystem Restoration
104821 - Cucamonga & Deer Creek Ecosystem Restoration Print
Written by Greg Boghossian   
Wednesday, 07 November 2007

General Project Information

Project ID:  104821
Business Program: CAP - Modifications to Structures and Operations o
Congressional District: CA42
Customer/Sponsor: City of Ontario

Project Synopsis

8-Mar-2004 -- Description
PROMIS Comment Number 21The study area is in San Bernardino County, along a 3-mile long reach of Cucamonga Creek & aligned in a north-south direction.The project would develop approx. 80 acres of open water, marsh, riparian, & nature upland habitat. Restore & enhance wildlife resources in the area adjacent to Cucamonga & Deer Creeks between Chino Ave & Schaefer Ave.

Project Status

10-Mar-2005 -- Status
No Funding for FY04. Reschedule uncompleted work to start 10/01/04.San Bernardino County Flood Control District stated in 2/26/04 meeting that they are proceding with a flood control project at the the Cucamonga & Deer Creek (1135) project site. SBCFCD owns the basins which make up the project site. While SBCFCD finalizes design, the project will be on hold. Estimated delay time is nine months. Due to high cost to rescope project, we are looking at alternatives to scrap current project and start with a new initial feasibility report. Will continue to coordinate with the City of Ontario on the project.Project is Inactive. No Funding for FY05. Reschedule uncompleted work to start 10/01/05.
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