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Home arrow Projects & Studies arrow Southern California Area - Projects arrow 104799 - City of Whittier, CA (205)
104799 - City of Whittier, CA (205) Print
Written by Se-Yao Hsu   
Wednesday, 07 November 2007

General Project Information

Project ID:  104799
Business Program: CAP - Flood Control
Project Manager: HSU, SE YAO
Congressional District: CA42
Customer/Sponsor: City of Whittier

Project Synopsis

12-May-2006 -- Project Description
PROMIS Comment Number 10Flomar Street is located in the City of Whittier, Los Angeles County, California in an urbanized residential area. The existing underground drainage system is not big enough to drain the local drainage. The project would provide flood control protection to 38 residential homes by discharge through an underground pipline into an drain inlet that flows into the San Gabriel River.

Project Status

2-Feb-2007 -- Project Status
The FCSA was executed on 5 June 2005. The Corp of Engineers policy is that we do not get involved with projects that have less than 1.5 square miles of drainage areas. In this case Headquarters has agreed with Congressman Miller and is allowing us to continue work on this study up to the authorizing funding language of $375,000 mentioned in the 2002 Appropriation Bill. For FY 2006 Congress also provided additional funds of $95,000 to continue with the project design and construction, bringing the total to $460,000. The plan is to finish the DPR in FY 2006 using the $95,000 of Fed funds and non-Fed sponsor's funds. Upon receiving project approval late 2006 from SPD we will ask for funds to initiate the Plans and Specs of this project. Based on the situation of funding CAP projects of not initiating a particular phase unless it can be completed in the same FY, we have identified for FY 2007 funding of $700,000 to allow us to complete the plans and specs and construct the project. The EA was completed during first week of Nov 06. The EA is out for a 21-day public review with end of comment period by Thanksgiving. The report has been reviewed by H&H section and Design section and looked okay. RE has already approved the report. The DE would sign the FONSI once report is approved
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