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Home arrow Projects & Studies arrow Southern California Area - Projects arrow 104825 - Aliso Coastal Treatment Plant, Laguna Beach, CA (14)
104825 - Aliso Coastal Treatment Plant, Laguna Beach, CA (14) Print
Written by Greg Boghossian   
Wednesday, 07 November 2007

General Project Information

Project ID:  104825
Business Program: CAP - Emergency Streambank/Shoreline Protection
Congressional District: CA45,CA47
Customer/Sponsor: South Orange County

Project Synopsis

15-Jun-2006 -- Project Description
PROMIS Comment Number 24To provide a sloping grouted stone grade control structure protecting the invert beneath the bridge. Also, the structure would incorporate design features to maintain connectivity between aquatic habitats by creating a low flow fish passage channel.

Project Status

18-Oct-2007 -- Project Status
PROMIS Comment Number 22HQ has provided much needed construction funds to proceed with construction of the SOCWA Coastal Treatment Plant (CTP) Access Bridge Protection project. The PCA was executed on 4 Feb 2005 which allowed us to proceed with initiation of construction in early Aug 06 with completion by end of Sep 06 (due to flood season and endangered species) construction would not start until 1 Aug 06 after the end of the environmental window. The PM has informed the sponsor Tom Rosales, on 4 Aug 06, the newly selected GM with Orange County Wastewater Authority (SOCWA) that the Corps is finalizing negotiations with Hay Hays, a POCA contractor for the upcoming construction. Contractor's draft proposal has been received. The Corps will be negotiating with Contractor very soon for "fair and reasonable" price. A "kick-off" meeting has been scheduled for 16 Aug 06 to meet with the Corps, contractor and SOCWA representatives at the SOCWA treatment plant to discuss SOW and final negotiated price. After discussion with Orange County FCD about their coordination with SOCWA on 7 Sep 06, it appears that SOCWA engineer was never given an opportunity to review the P&S. He has concerns with the process of vibrating the sheet piles that could possibly cause a rupture to the pipe that would cause pollution problems if raw sewage were to spill into creek. Also, due to material cost and fuel cost that escalated, there were insufficient funds to award basic bid package. Letter from Sponsor, dated 28 Aug 06 has been sent to the DE, stating withdrawal of participation on the bridge protection project. However, the Sponsor would still like to participate in the future to restart this project possibly next summer 07, but with Sponsor's staff participation in a redesign
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