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Home arrow Projects & Studies arrow Southern California Area - Projects arrow 104760 - City of Santa Clarita, CA (Environmental Restoration)
104760 - City of Santa Clarita, CA (Environmental Restoration) Print
Written by Se-Yao Hsu   
Wednesday, 07 November 2007

General Project Information

Project ID:  104760
Business Program: Environment - Ecosystem Restoration
Project Manager: HSU, SE YAO
Congressional District: CA25

Project Synopsis

1-Aug-2006 -- Description
PROMIS Comment Number 4 The study area is located in northern Los Angeles County, California in the City of Santa Clarita along the Santa Clara River. A 905(b) report was completed and preliminary investigations show that there is sufficient Federal interest to prepare a Feasibility Study. The study will focus on ecosystem restoration opportunities within and along the river. The investigation will also evaluate potential for flood damage reduction.

Project Status

8-Dec-2006 -- Status
Negotiation continues slowly with the sponsor on the PMP for feasibility. Discussions are on again-off again with large time breaks between effective communications. We have recently marked this study as inactive.

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