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Home arrow Projects & Studies arrow Arizona / Nevada Area Projects arrow 106733 - Gila River & Tributaries, Tonto Creek, AZ
106733 - Gila River & Tributaries, Tonto Creek, AZ Print
Written by John Drake   
Tuesday, 27 December 2005

Project Description

Gila River and Tributaries, Tonto Creek Study area is located at the Northwest end of Roosevelt Lake, which is located approximately 32-miles Northwest of Globe, Arizona in Gila County on Highway 188. The Study area is ~14-miles in length and begins just North of the confluence of Tonto Creek and Gun Creek at a gauging station and terminates at Roosevelt Lakes Northwest end. The closest community to the Study area is Punkin Center. The Study is the result of Congressional Direction and Appropriation. The existing Authority is House Resolution 2425, Gila River and Tributaries.

The Environmental Overview was successfully completed at the end of 2004.

For more information, please contact:

Public Affairs Officer
Jennie Ayala
(602) 640-2989 x285
3636 N. Central Ave. Suite 900
Phoenix, Arizona 85012-1936
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