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Home arrow Projects & Studies arrow Southern California Area - Projects arrow 112380 - Los Angeles - Long Beach Harbors Model, CA
112380 - Los Angeles - Long Beach Harbors Model, CA Print
Written by James Fields   
Wednesday, 11 January 2006
General Project Information

Project ID:  112380
Business Program: Navigation - Harbors - Deep Draft
Project Manager: FIELDS, JAMES A
Congressional District: CA46
Customer/Sponsor: Port of Long Beach;Port of Los Angeles

Project Synopsis

27-Feb-2007 -- Scope/Sypnosis - FY07
Project Description: The model is located at the Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss, was built to support studies necessary under the LA-LB Harbors General Investigation. It was formerly funded (through FY 77) under the General Investigation Appropriation. Sec 123 of the WRDA of 1976 provided that "the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, was authorized to operate and maintain the model." therefore, starting in FY 78 funding was included in the Operations and Maintenance, General, appropriation. Model is maintained by WES when not in use.

Project Status

27-Feb-2007 -- Status - FY07
Status:Initially placed in full operation Aug 73.
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