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Home arrow Projects & Studies arrow Southern California Area - Projects arrow 112372 - Los Angeles - Long Beach Harbors, CA
112372 - Los Angeles - Long Beach Harbors, CA Print
Written by James Fields   
Wednesday, 07 November 2007

General Project Information

Project ID:  112372
Business Program: Navigation - Harbors - Deep Draft
Project Manager: FIELDS, JAMES A
Congressional District: CA46
Customer/Sponsor: City of Long Beach;Port of Long Beach;Port of Los Angeles

Project Synopsis

23-Oct-2007 -- Scope/Synopsis
Project Description: The Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors are located approximately 25 miles south of the city of Los Angeles. Within Long Beach Harbor is the Los Angles River Estuary, located at the mouth of the Los Angeles River. The navigation channel provides access to the Queensway Marina. The project consists of maintaining the breakwaters and performing mantenance dredging. FEATURES DEPTH (ft) WIDTH (ft) LENGTH (ft) CREST ELEVATION (ft) Breakwaters

Project Status

23-Oct-2007 -- Status - FY08
Status:Initially placed in operation April 1964. Fully operational in April 1964. Last hydro survey of LA River Estuary: Jun 06. Last hydro survey of Port of LA: Mar 01.Last hydro survey of Port of Long Beach: Jul 06.Next hydro survey of Port of LA: Jul 08.Next hydro survey of Port of Long Beach: Jun 09.
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