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112340 - Marina Del Rey, CA Print
Written by Jim Fields   
Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Project Update: Nov. 25, 2008

Key Dates:
Begin Set-up  12/1-12/15
Begin Dredging  12/15
Material Testing 12/18-19
Complete Dredging  2/28

Attached: Contractors Schedule (325KB Excel File)

Sand Separation Project
Project Description:

This is primarily a maintenance dredging project for the South Entrance Channel to Marina del Rey Harbor.  CJW is the contractor that was selected they will dredge the sediment and pump the material to parking lot 3 on Dockweiler Beach.  CJW will remove and separate approximately 50,000 cubic meters of material over the next few months.  Screens and Hydrocyclones will be used to separate the sand from the fine grained material.  As the material is processed the products will be debris, sand, fine grained material such as silts and clays and water.  The sand will be spread on the adjacent beach filling in the eroded area after it has been determined to be acceptable for beach placement.  The debris along with the fine grained material will need to be disposed of in an acceptable manner, methods could include; placement in a Port fill, upland placement in an acceptable landfill or placed in the CAD Site and covered with clean material.  All water that is used in the removal and processing of the sediment will need to be treated before it is allowed to return to open water.

Background Information: 

History:  Marina del Rey Harbor dredge history:

Year Amount Dredged  
1999 525,000 cubic meters 
1998 73,000 cubic meters 
1996 183,000 cubic meters 
1994 42,000 cubic meters 
198727,000 cubic meters 
1981 127,000 cubic meters 
1973 12,000 cubic meters 
1969 300,000 cubic meters 




View 2 of Shaol Area on 1/2/07, 3PM (-1.5 ft tide)
View 2 of Shaol Area on 1/2/07, 3PM (-1.5 ft tide)

View 3 of Shaol Area on 1/2/07, 3PM (-1.5 ft tide)
View 3 of Shaol Area on 1/2/07, 3PM (-1.5 ft tide)

Stakeholders/Study Participants: 
The local sponsor for the Marina del Rey dredging project is the Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors.
Supv. Don Knabe, County of Los Angeles, Fourth District

News Releases: 

News Articles:
Time to dredge up a nuisance by Doug Irving, Daily Breeze, Dec. 29, 2006

Related Links: 
California Coastal Commission

Technical Documents/Presentations: 

Point of Contact:
Greg Fuderer, Public Affairs Specialist, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 213-452-3923, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Jim Fields, Project Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 213-452-3403, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Joe Ryan, Coastal Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 213-452-3679, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

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