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124747 - Goleta Beach, CA Print
Written by Se-Yao Hsu   
Wednesday, 07 November 2007

General Project Information

Project ID:  124747
Business Program: CAP - Beach Erosion Control
Project Manager: HSU, SE YAO
Congressional District: CA23
Customer/Sponsor: BEACON

Project Synopsis

16-May-2006 -- Project Description
Goleta Beach is located on the Santa Barbara County coastline, 10 miles west of the City of Santa Barbara. Goleta Beach has and continues to suffer severe erosion, which is causing backshore development to be vulnerable to storm damages. In addition, the loss of beach width has degraded the recreational value of the beach area. This study is being conducted under Section 103 of the Continuing Authorities Program.

Project Status

16-May-2006 -- Project Status
FY05 funds of $20K were used for Coastal Studies Group, Coastal Engineering and Economics to initiate study. Economics is waiting for documents from Santa Barbara County Parks. In addition, $70K of funds were received at the end of the FY with most of it being carried over to FY06 to complete the complete IAR.FY07 funds of $250K could be used to initiate the Detailed Project Report (DPR).

Please contact Jay Field for more information @ 213-452-3920
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