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Home arrow Projects & Studies arrow Southern California Area - Projects arrow 104787 - North Valley Regional Water Infrastructure
104787 - North Valley Regional Water Infrastructure Print
Written by Ehsan Eshraghi   
Thursday, 08 November 2007

General Project Information

Project ID:  104787
Business Program: Water Supply
Project Manager: ESHRAGHI, EHSAN J
Congressional District: CA25
Customer/Sponsor: City of Lancaster

Project Synopsis

3-Jan-2005 -- Description
PROMIS Comment Number 1The project is located in the city of Lancaster, about 50 miles northest of Los Angeles, in Los Angeles County.The project will provide critically needed water facilities to the northern sector of the Antelope Valley region, particularly Fox Field Indusrial Corridor, an 8,200-acre planned business/industrial park development. The projet will include design and construction of approximately 6.17 miles of 36-inch diameter and 4.5 miles of 24 inch water main and related facilities to serve this part of the city.The project is for design and construction of 6.17 miles of 36" diameter water main and 4.5 miles of 24" diameter water main and related facilities to serve the Northern section of the City of Lancaster in North Los Angeles County. For design and construction purposes the proposed water main projects is divided into the following sections:

Section 1: Connect to existing 36" diameter water main in Avenue H, West of Trevor Avenue contruct new 36" diameter water main east, in Avenue H, to 20th Street East then South in 20th Street East to Avenue I and connect to the existing water main (approximately 2.5miles).

Section 2: Connect to existing 36" diameter water main in 60th Street West at Avenue H, construct new 24" diameter water main, west in Avenue H, to 90th Street (approximately 3.25 miles)

Section 3: Connect to existing 36" diameter water main in 60th Street at Avenue K, construct new 36" diameter water main, east in Avenue K, from 60th SStreet West to 30th Street West (approximately 3.0miles)

Section 4: Connect to existing 24" diameter water main in Avenue H at 90th Street West (west termination of Section 2 above), construct new 24" diameter water main, west in Avenue H, to 105th Street West (approximately 1.5 miles).Section 5: Contruct one (1) 3.9 million gall

Project Status

7-Aug-2006 -- Status
Notice to Proceed of Section 1 is completed on August1, 2006
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