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Home arrow Projects & Studies arrow Arizona / Nevada Area Projects arrow 012728 - Tucson Drainage Area, AZ
012728 - Tucson Drainage Area, AZ Print
Written by John Drake   
Wednesday, 11 January 2006

5-Feb-2005 -- Description

Project is located in the city of Tucson, in eastern Pima County. Recommended project includes a flood control system consisting of two detention basin complexes, 4 detention basin complexes which require an environmental restoration study and limited capacity improvements. The project consists of flood control and ecosystem restoration which measures within the approximate 12-square mile of Tucson Arroyo/Arroyo Chico watershed in the City of Tucson located in Pima County, Arizona. Recommended plan consists of two detention basin complexes. One referred to as the Randolph Golf Course Detention Basin complex (upstream on Arroyo Chico in the headwaters of the drainage), and the second referred to as the Park Avenue Basin complex (in the approx. center of the watershed). The local sponsor pursued and was granted consideration of the 104 credits in advance of completion of the feasibility phase. The Randolph Detention Basin complex was completed in May 1996.

Congressional interest is Congressmen Grijalva (Az-7) and Kolbe (Az-8).

For more information, please contact:

Public Affairs Officer
Jennie Ayala
(602) 640-2989 x285
3636 N. Central Ave. Suite 900
Phoenix, Arizona 85012-1936
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