Home arrow NewsCastle arrow May 2008 Issue arrow 5.3 Commander's Message
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Vol. 38 No. 5            A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers             May 2008

Commander's Message


Colonel Thomas H. Magness, IV Commander, Los Angeles District
Colonel Thomas H. Magness, IV Commander, Los Angeles District
Summer is here. With the Memorial Day Weekend, we take time to honor warriors past and present who have served and who are currently serving in defense of this nation. If any of you haven’t thanked a Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman or Coast Guardsman recently, go out and shake a hand and tell him or her that you are proud of the job they are doing.
Summer brings cookouts, visits to the beach or lake, road trips and other assorted fun activities. Those are all great things. But remember we are in the 101 Critical Days of Summer. This is the time a lot of folks who are too focused on having a good time might forget those important things that will keep them safe. The sun is great, but don’t forget that it can burn you if you’re not careful. Cover up with the proper amount and type of sun block. Get under the shade during the hottest parts of the day.
If you’re headed out on the open road, make sure you plan out the trip. Check your tires, your maintenance and your route. If you’re planning a long trip, make sure you allow enough time for rest. It’s not worth getting yourself hurt or killed just to try and shave a few hours off your drive time. If you feel tired on the road, pull over to a safe spot and rest. Don’t try and fake your body out with caffeine or other stimulants.
Remember, those safety tips apply when you’re at work. I know there are a lot of you doing great work out in the field. Make sure you stay hydrated. Take water bottles with you and drink whenever you feel thirsty. Drink water sometimes even if you don’t feel thirsty. You just never know. If you’re working out in the really hot areas, don’t forget to get out of the sun periodically. Our work is important, but we can’t get it done if you get sick or hurt. Do yourself, the Corps and the nation a favor and keep yourself healthy.
Speaking of keeping yourself healthy, there are lots of activities available throughout the mighty Los Angeles district for people who want to take advantage of the great summer weather and the great outdoors. I know there is a Los Angeles River Bike Ride coming up June 8. See Terry Lynn Padilla for more information on how you can join the riders we have participating. Look around your area. I’m sure there are opportunities to get out and enjoy the summer in a fun and safe way.
You all do great work. I’m proud of you. I’m proud to be a part of this district. I want you all to enjoy the summer and stay safe.



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