Home arrow NewsCastle arrow Apr 2008 Issue arrow 4.2 Feature Stories
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Vol. 38 No. 4            A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers             April 2008

Feature Stories

Children's Water Education Festival


(Above and below) Greg Fuderer, a public affairs specialist with the Los Angeles District, discusses a watershed model with a group of third grade students during the Children's Water Quality Education Festival 2008 held in Irvine April 15 and 16. The festival was coordinated by the Orange County Water District Ground Water Guardian Team and by the Disneyland Resort. The festival featured interactive displays and activities from agencies throughout the area.

The displays and activities focused on the water cycle, ground-and surface water protection and pollution prevention among many other aspects of the importance of water. Presenters informed students on their role in water and environmental issues.

Fuderer and other Corps volunteers talked with hundreds of third, fourth and fifth grade students from around Orange County about the importance of water conservation and how the students could help preserve the integrity of the watershed in their area. More than 3,000 students and teachers attended the event.

(Photos by Daniel J. Calderon)



District observes National Bring Your Child to Work Day
Story and Photos by Brooks O. Hubbard IV

ImageDuring the “Bring Your Child to Work” Day held April 24, children of Los Angeles District employees were treated to a trip to the Santa Fe Dam and Recreational Area.  Megan Craig, an office automation clerk with the Hydrology and Hydraulics Section, organized the day long events with the help of parent and staff volunteers.
The day began with an informal briefing by the Los Angeles’ transitioning District Deputy Commander, Lt. Col. Anthony Reed.  After the brief, the group traveled to the Santa Fe Dam- called “the longest dam in the Corps” at a length of 4.5 miles- where they were given a guided tour by District Dam Operators’ Jim Ernst and Victor Renteria.
Upon completion of the tour, the group proceeded to the Dam Recreational Area located behind the dam where they ate lunch.

“I liked the tour of the dam, especially the part were we learned how the dam gates worked to allow the water to pass through” said nine-year-old Patrick Underwood who’s father, Paul Underwood, is a 15 year veteran of the district’s Engineering Division.
“This tour was very informative to me as I’m currently working on a Prado Dam project,” said the senior Underwood. “Most of all it allowed me to spend time with my son and gave him a better understanding of what I do.”

After lunch the group returned to the district headquarters building. There, they participated in games and quizzes about the dam. The kids also competed by building suspension bridges using drinking straws, tape, dental floss and paper clips.

At then end of the day the group received L.A. District “Certificates of Appreciation” for their participation in the 2008 National Bring Your Child to Work Day.

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