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Vol. 38 No. 4            A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers             April 2008

Cover Story

Earth Day - Celebrate with the Corps of Engineers!  
By Jay Field
Graphic by Kim Matthews

Image"Earth Day is every day in everything we do," said Col. Thomas Magness, Los Angeles District commander. The Corps of Engineers joins the nation and the Army as it celebrates the 38th anniversary of Earth Day with the theme, "Sustaining the environment for a secure future."

The Los Angeles District helps meet the needs of the communities it serves by building envronmental sustainability in its projects, whether restoring more than 35 miles of the Salt River through Maricopa County in Phoenix, Ariz., or constructing troop billets to house America's armed forces.

For example, the Sulphur Creek Environmental Restoration Project reestablished native vegetation and riparian habitat to an urban stream in Laguna Nigel, Calif.  And in military family housing at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., the Corps installed solar skylights to cut down on energy use.

"This kind of work is not only good for the environment, but it's the right thing to do for our future and our kids' future," said Magness.

Magness said the Corps is moving beyond traditional construction projects toward projects that demonstrate environmental stewardship.  "We're used to turning dirt and placing concrete, but now we're seeking opportunities to partner with communities in going green and staying green," he said.

According to Magness, the Corps' goal is to become a consistent, efficient and effective organization for the public, the stakeholders and the communities it serves, and to incorporate environmental sustainability into every project it does.

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