Home arrow NewsCastle arrow Mar 2008 Issue arrow 3.12 The Punch List
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Vol. 38 No. 3          A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers           March 2008

The Punch List

Corps awards MOUT phase 2 contract
By Daniel J. Calderón

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District has awarded the contract for phase two of the Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) site on Fort Irwin, Calif. to Cox Construction Co. The contract is worth nearly $13 million.

The MOUT site is part of the National Training Center (NTC) on Fort Irwin, Calif. During World War II, the Corps of Engineers built a desert training facility for General Patton in less than 40 days. The latest facility is designed to simulate urban conditions to soldiers training for deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan. Troops currently use other facilities at the NTC.
Buildings at the newest MOUT site stand up to four-stories high and are honeycombed with halls, secret passages, and rooms set in patterns designed to test Soldiers’ skills.
“All of that adds to the complexity of the buildings and makes it more difficult when Soldiers have to come in and clear rooms and look for insurgents or whatever the training mission is,” said Capt. Seth Henson, with the L.A. District’s Fort Irwin office.
The new precast concrete construction allows for more flexibility in construction than in the past. Once every phase of construction is complete, actors like those at other sites on the NTC will provide additional levels of realism to the simulation. This will allow trainers to assault every one of the Soldiers’ senses as they go through the MOUT facility.

“We train as we fight,” said Henson. “The MOUT site will provide world-class training for the world’s finest Soldiers.





Rivers and Bays and Creeks, oh my!

Unscramble each word. Then use the marked letters to solve the second puzzle.


Vice President Spiro Agnew holds a press conference at Van Nuys airport following an inspection of earthquake-damaged areas in Los Angeles on Wednesday, 10 February 1971. (US Army Corps of Engineers photo)

Huge cranes were used to lay emergency pipe line and pumps were set up on the shore of Van Norman reservoir after the dam was shattered by the February 9 San Fernando earthquake. About half of the concrete facing on the earthfill dam slipped into the dam. Corps of Engineers placed 11 pumps in the lake to help Los Angeles Department of Water and Power draw down the lake level to where damaged earth-fill dam would hold it safely. (US Army Corps of Engineers photo)

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