Home arrow NewsCastle arrow Nov 2007 Issue arrow 11.11 The Punch List
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Vol. 37 No. 4        A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers         Novemeber 2007

The Punch List

To retirees from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,

This year’s Annual Retirees’ Recognition Day is scheduled for Tuesday, December 11, 2007. The event will be held at the District Office, 915 Wilshire Boulevard, in the District Conference Room.

The morning registration/social with refreshments from 9:30 to a0:00 a.m. will start the day’s activities. Following registration, the formal program will begin. Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. Following lunch, you may enjoy a tour of the District Office if you wish. The day’s events are expected to end at 1:30 p.m.

For those of you who would like to drive to the District Office, we have arranged for a special $5 rate in the building’s parking structure. Please being your parking ticket with you for the discount validation. For those not wanting to drive into downtown, the District will also provide van transportation, if we receive a reasonable number of requests, from the Baseyard in El Monte and from the Gene Autry Museum parking lot bear Griffith Park.

Please RSVP no later than December 4.

The Retirees’ Recognition Day is important to all of us because of the opportunity to renew old acquaintances and recognize individuals who have greatly contributed to the history of this District. We hope this year’s program and location will enhance your opportunity to meet more members of our extended family. We look forward to seeing you December 11.

Thomas H. Magness
Colonel,  U.S. Army
District Commander


ImageThis year’s Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is underway.  Employees in the Los Angeles District can contact Mike Roberts for information on donating to their selected charitable organization.
President Kennedy established the Combined Federal Campaign in 1961 to eliminate year-round solicitation of federal employees at their job sites by charitable agencies.
The CFC has added many features over the years to provide convenience, confidence and choice to the Federal donor. These features include payroll deduction, comprehensive brochures, charitable agency screening, detailed audits, and emphasis on voluntary participation.
The CFC is the largest, single charitable event in the world. In 2006 more than $268,000,000 was contributed to charities through the CFC. For additional information, employees can visit the district intranet.

This year, the district took the opportunity to get into the “spirit” of the Halloween season. Congratulations to the winner of the 2007 Halloween Costume Contest. It was an incredibly close race. By only one (1) vote, Julius Caesar edged out the competition and is the favorite costumed character in the Los Angeles District. Thanks to the Executive Office for underwriting the contest and to the NFFE Local 777 for matching the prize money. Julius Caesar received a gift certificate for $50 to a local restaurant.

The top three costumes were:

1) Julius Caesar
1) Julius Caesar
2) Supergirl
2) Supergirl
3) Alien Death
3) Alien Death

ImageI send greetings to those celebrating Military Family Month, sponsored by the Armed Services YMCA of the USA.

In every generation, brave Americans have answered the call of service in our hour of heed. Today’s Armed Forces are taking their rightful place among the heroes of our Nation’s history. Our country will always be grateful for their sacrifice, devotion to duty, and love of country, and I am honored to be Commander in Chief of the finest military in the world.

ImageOur Nation is especially indebted to our military families who have stood by their loved ones in times of war and times of peace. Nothing can compensate for the sacrifices they make and the exceptional challenges they face. On behalf of every American, I am honored to thank the spouses, children and parents of our military members.

Laura and I send our best wished. May God bless you, may God bless our troops and may God continue to bless America.

ImageDistrict golfers take on Marshall Canyon

The Los Angeles District Golf Club went out Oct. 20 to Marshall Canyon for its monthly tournament. Here’s how they did:

FLIGHT           A                   B                     C
1ST                Poutsma         Luzano            Williams
2ND                Moore            Bridgewater     ------
Least Putts    Beams           Cheung            Evasovic
3rd                 Reeves           ------             ------
Closest to #2 Beams            ------              ------
Low Gross –Sulzer (85)
Low Net –Luzano (67)
Birdies:  Beams (12), Bridgewater (3 & 9), Cheung (14), Reeves (4), Garcia (15), Sulzer (13),    Moore (1)
Statistics:  5 in the 80’s, 5 in the 90’s, 5 between 100 & 108

Golfers said it was a very good day for golf and most thought the course was great.  Next time however some said they were going to take a cart since there was a lot of uphill and downhill walking.

On  Nov. 17, club members took on another course for the Hansen Dam Turkey Shoot. Club members said it was a good Saturday for golf -- generally not too not nor too cold. Some did remark the greens were a little hard to read. The scores that day were: 

 FLIGHT           A                 B                     C
                Reeves          Ruiz                 Evasonic
2ND                Angeles         Andujo             Ong
Least Putts    Moore            Shak                Bulic
3rd                Beams           A. Bridgewater  Donato
Closest to #2 Moore           Luzano              Joyce
Low Gross – Beams (79)
Low Net – Ruiz and Andujo (63)
Birdies:  Beams (16), Reeves (12), Ruiz (4), Angeles (16 and 18)
Statistics:  1 in the4 70s; 7 in the 80s; 7 in the 90s; 5 between 100 and 110; and one didn't finish

The next tournament is the “Booze Shoot” scheduled for Dec. 15 at the Woodley Lakes Golf Course in Sepulveda basin. Tee off is at 8:30 a.m. For more information, contact Mike Evasovic. His number is in the global address book.


New Hires
Welcome to the district family

Veronica Romero is a new SCEP student in Con-Ops, AZ NV Area Office.  She’s a civil engineering student at ASU.  “Right now I’m learning about contracting and other administrative aspects of the job.  It’s not engineering specific but all of it’s important in making me more efficient.”

Ed Olsker, Neil Erwin (left), Acting Area Engineer swears in new hire, Ed Olsker
Ed is a retired annuitant, formerly a lead inspector with the Bureau of Reclamation.  He’s assigned to the Luke, AFB project office in Glendale, Ariz.


Los Angeles District employees enjoy a Thanksgiving luncheon Nov. 20 at the District headquarters building.  More than 200 employees joined in for a special lunch to celebrate the holiday.

District Commander Col. Thomas H. Magness IV talks with several employees during the Nov. 20 Thanksgiving luncheon held at the district headquarters building in downtown Los Angeles. Employees could select turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, macaroni and cheese, salad and a variety of pies to enjoy during the meal.

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