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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Corps Dedicates Veysey Trail at Prado Dam
Corps Dedicates Veysey Trail at Prado Dam Print
Written by Danny Kelly   
Friday, 03 October 2008

CORONA, Calif. (Oct. 3, 2008)--The first Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works was honored in a ceremony that unveiled the Victor V. Veysey Trail at Prado Dam in Corona, Calif. Oct. 3. 

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, along with representatives from local and state governments, conducted the ceremony at the base of the dam, where dignitaries spoke on the life of Veysey.  Veysey was a strong proponent of local participation in determining and constructing the Corps' water resources projects, and he played a defining role in how the Corps serves the nation, according to Ken Morris, deputy chief of programs and project management for the Los Angeles District.

"It is a daily reminder to thousands of people that drive by it (Prado Dam) every day that engineers do cool things," said Col. Thomas Magness, district commander.  "And that the Army Corps of Engineers, led by Mr. Veysey as its first assistant secretary ... provides lasting value to the people that they serve."

The Veysey Trail provides recreational opportunities for hikers, cyclists and equestrians and is a segment of the Santa Ana River Trail.  Upon completion, the Santa Ana River Trail will extend 110 miles from the river's headwaters in San Bernardino to the Pacific Ocean.

Attendees included current Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) John P. Woodley, three former assistant secretaries, Veysey family members and Los Angeles District employees.

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