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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Fairview Park Wetlands & Riparian Habitat Project begins
Fairview Park Wetlands & Riparian Habitat Project begins Print
Written by Danny Kelly   
Friday, 03 October 2008

An earlier-planted coast live oak tree was dedicated as a memorial to Corps employee Girish Desai at the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Fairview Park Wetlands and Riparian Habitat Project in Costa Mesa Oct. 1.
An earlier-planted coast live oak tree was dedicated as a memorial to Corps employee Girish Desai at the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Fairview Park Wetlands and Riparian Habitat Project in Costa Mesa Oct. 1.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers broke ground along side Orange County and City of Costa Mesa officials at the Fairview Park Wetlands and Riparian Habitat Project Oct. 1 during a ceremony at the site in Costa Mesa.

“Projects like this are just such a great model,” said Lt. Col. Glen Reed, deputy commander for the Los Angeles District. “And they’re a win-win environmental project that everyone can be proud to be a part of.”

The Fairview Park Wetlands and Riparian Habitat Project will begin with the restoration of approximately 17 acres of riparian habitat, according to Ann C. Shultz, City of Costa Mesa legislative and public affairs manager. This is the first phase of the larger project that includes riparian streams, water quality filtration ponds, native habitat and walking trails.

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