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Home arrow News Room arrow News Releases arrow NR08-19 - Ventura Breakwater Repair Contract Awarded
NR08-19 - Ventura Breakwater Repair Contract Awarded Print
Written by Jennie Ayala   
Monday, 29 September 2008

ImageNews Release 08-19
US Army Corps Of Engineers
September 30, 2008 Immediate

Jennie Ayala
Telephone: (213) 452-3925
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Ventura Breakwater Repair Contract Awarded

LOS ANGELES -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Los Angeles District awarded a
$2.8 million contract to Cutting Edge Concrete Services, Inc., a small business firm from Oro Grande, Calif., to repair the detached breakwater at Ventura Harbor. 

Located approximately 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, in Ventura County, the detached breakwater at the harbor’s entrance, provides protection and safe navigation for boaters traveling throughout the harbor.

Cutting Edge Concrete Services, Inc. will place 12,000 metric tons of armor rocks along the impacted breakwater areas by using a floating plant (crane), with rocks barged to the breakwater for placement.  The Ventura Port District has set aside areas within its harbor for staging this large repair operation. 

USACE engineers’ determined that four areas on the breakwater required immediate repairs to prevent functional failure of the rock structure after several storm events severely damaged the breakwater in December 2007. “Without the repairs the rocks in the areas will continue to unravel from the constant wave and storm actions,” said Mo Chang, Corps operations manager.
“Acquiring the funding for this repair work was challenging,” said Chang.  “The district had to find available funds within its own limited budget to fund the engineering and design work.” According to Chang, funding the actual construction repair was even more challenging.  In June 2008 the District secured necessary funding through a congressional supplemental appropriation. 

“This is an important project for Ventura Harbor and for all the commercial and recreational boaters who use it,” said Congresswoman Lois Capps.  “The storms last December did a lot of damage and it’s important that we get these repairs done soon.  I appreciate the Army Corps working hard on this critically important issue.” 

Breakwater repairs will begin in October and construction is expected to continue for 60 days.  

For information on other Corps of Engineers projects or to learn more about the Los Angeles contracting visit our website at

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