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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Emergency Expo Gives Corps Exposure
Emergency Expo Gives Corps Exposure Print
Written by Greg Fuderer   
Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Los Angeles District Emergency Management personnel frequently answer the call to help the nation respond to and recover from natural disasters and other catastrophic events. In less critical times, they also respond to calls to help educate the general public about the Corps’ emergency response capabilities. So it was at the second annual Dana Point Emergency Response Expo, where Sheryl Blackburn, Louie Munoz and Al Moreno set up the District’s Rapid Response Vehicle (RRV) and hosted dozens of visitors who learned about the Corps’ myriad capabilities.

Located among fire department ladder trucks and sheriff’s department bullet-proof assault vehicles, the RRV opened its doors and showed Boys Scouts to retirees how the command vehicle helps coordinate the Corps’ activities in a disaster area. The District also presented a display booth, where visitors learned about many of the Corps’ water resources projects that benefit the local area. Many were familiar with the Corps’ dredging activities at ports in Southern California and with the modifications at nearby Prado Dam.

“This was a rewarding experience, being able to interact with people and explain what the RRV does,” Blackburn said. “It was a beautiful day, and more Corps people should take the opportunity to participate in events like these.”

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