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US Army Corps of Engineers
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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Corps celebrates birthday
Corps celebrates birthday Print
Written by Brooks O. Hubbard IV   
Monday, 16 June 2008

Image“The Corps is as relevant today as it was 233 years ago,” said Col. Thomas H. Magness IV, Los Angeles District commander.  “Today, nearly 715 dedicated professionals and support staff provide extensive planning, design, engineering and construction expertise within our district.” 

On June 16, 1775, Congress organized the Continental Army and appointed a chief engineer, Col. Richard Gridley.  Congress later passed a resolution that formed the Corps of Engineers.  Since then the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has responded to changing defense requirements and played an integral part in the development of the country.

“As we celebrate our birthday, I am reminded of those great engineers of old who built fortifications, explored the west, improved navigation, made maps, built the Washington Aqueduct (that still supplies water for our Nation's capital), and so much more,” said Lt. Gen. Robert L. Van Antwerp, Chief of Engineers, in a recent message to Corps employees.  “Today we are helping reconstruct Iraq and Afghanistan, and building engineer capacity for their future; helping Louisiana rebuild in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and managing the largest military program in our history.”

The L.A. District accounts for more than $350 million of the $40 billion military construction program, with projects at nine military bases in California, Arizona and Nevada.  That work includes barracks and housing at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., training facilities at Fort Irwin, Calif., and operations and maintenance facilities at Creech Air Force Base, Nev.

The district also has a robust civil works program, with construction of projects like an upgrade to Prado Dam in Corona, Calif., and ecosystem restoration projects along the Salt River in Phoenix, Ariz.

“We’re engineering solutions to the water resources challenges of the Southwest,” said Magness. “Sustaining the environment is key to a secure future.”

According to Magness the Corps’ engineers, scientists and other specialists work hand in hand as leaders in engineering and environmental matters.

“Today, as for the past 233 years, we stand ready to meet national security, emergency and other national requirements,” said Magness.

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