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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow A Major Accomplishment: Vicie Graves gets promoted
A Major Accomplishment: Vicie Graves gets promoted Print
Written by Greg Fuderer   
Wednesday, 06 February 2008

Standing before several dozen family members, co-workers and friends, Vicie Graves smiled not uncomfortably as District Commander Col. Thomas H. Magness IV asked those assembled to guess whether the soon-to-be major was Contracting Division’s “good cop or bad cop.” The correct Jeopardy-like response would have been, “What is ‘good cop’?”

Magness and other speakers said Maj. Graves is not only a good cop, but she is also a good mother, friend, contracting professional and Army officer. The picture painted by those who know the major best is that of a woman who conscientiously balances the professionalism necessary to meet the high-pressure demands of the contracting world with the personal skills necessary to encourage production but also to hold people accountable.

“I’m all in,” is the way Magness described the commitment of those who decide to accept the rank of major. In going from company grade to field grade, Magness said an officer “becomes part of the corporate leadership in the Army.”

Graves’ path to leadership began in 1987 when she enlisted to become a dental technician. Her enlisted time helped her to “really understand what it’s all about,” according to Magness. That experience allowed her to “(be) a good follower and (take) those lessons into being a leader.” Through assignments in Korea, Panama and other posts world-wide, Graves seems to have learned those lessons well.

During her comments, Graves had a message for those assembled at the ceremony, and seemingly for those whom she will meet later in life and her career.
“I understand so many of you are counting on me to do the best I can,” she said, “and I accept that responsibility.”

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