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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Corps helps break ground at Vandenberg
Corps helps break ground at Vandenberg Print
Written by Daniel J. Calderón   
Tuesday, 05 February 2008

The Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District joined with partners at Vandenberg AFB, Calif., to break ground for the newest satellite control facility on the base. The new facility is under control of the 21st Space Operations Squadron, currently based out of Onizuka Air Force Station in Sunnyvale, Calif.

Lt. Col. Martha Kiene, deputy commander for the district, was on hand for the ceremony.

“We’re proud to be here as a partner with the Air Force,” Kiene said. “As a home to the second node for the Air Force’s Satellite Control network, this facility will serve as a vital part of our national defense.”

Lt. Col Samuel L. McNiel, commander of the 21st Space Operations Squadron, spoke on the history of the Onizuka facility and its place in the history of manned and unmanned space operations. He also discussed the importance of the new building to be built at Vandenberg.

“The spirit of cooperation between the Air Force, the intelligence community and industry, who made so much of what they did possible, continues in the space business even today,” McNiel said. “We don’t know what amazing ways space will change the world in the future, but we do know those satellites will need a way to connect with the people on the ground. And, the connectivity for that system will run through this new facility.”

RQ Construction, Inc., based out of Bonsall, Calif., is the contractor building the facility. The $40 million project is scheduled for completion in October 2009. The company has a history of projects with the Corps. They have done projects at Fort Huachuca in Arizona, but this is their first major project with the Corps on Vandenberg.

“We’ve got a really good relationship with the Corps,” said Greg Matthews, director of project management for RQ Construction. “It’s going to be a fun project. I’m really looking forward to working there.”

Onizuka is due to close soon as a result of the Base Realignment and Closure Act of 2005, so the 21st Space Operations Squadron will be moving to join Vandenberg. McNiel said the new facility will be more than a collection of cubicles under a roof.
“This building is more than just another office building,” he said. “It is a critical piece of infrastructure that enables us to defend America and her interests so effectively. We look forward to being an even bigger part of Team Vandenberg.”

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