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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Civilians take on Army physical fitness test
Civilians take on Army physical fitness test Print
Written by Daniel J. Calderón   
Monday, 28 January 2008

Two USACE Los Angeles District employees participated in the semiannual Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) alongside uniformed military officers and the district’s senior enlisted member Jan. 29.  APFT participants performed two minutes’ worth of sit-ups, two minutes’ worth of push-ups and ran two miles.
Joe Lamb, an economic analyst with Planning Division, is a member of the district’s Fit-To-Win program. He exercises daily at a local gym. Lamb said he liked joining military members for the test.
“It was a lot of fun,” Lamb said. “It’s not at all easy, but this is a good workout.”

Marriah Abellera, who works in Coastal Studies, said she was surprised with how well she did in comparison to the military members. She finished the two-mile run in just a little more than 15 minutes. Given the chance, Abellera said she would participate again.

“It’s nice to get out and be with other co-workers,” She said. “I think I need to work more on my push-ups and sit-ups”
Col. Thomas H. Magness IV, district commander, finished with 60 push-ups, 72 sit-ups and a 15:54 run time. He presented both civilians with a “commander’s coin of excellence” after the day’s events were complete.
“This is what it’s all about – setting goals, meeting your goals, challenging each other and staying fit to win,” he told both Abellera and Lamb. “Thank you both for joining us today. I’m proud of you.”

For more information on the district’s Fit-To-Win program, contact Cynthia in the gym at the district headquarters building.

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