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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow District provides training for future leaders
District provides training for future leaders Print
Written by Jennie Ayala   
Wednesday, 26 December 2007

The Leadership Development Program (LDP) in the Los Angeles District affords many employees the opportunity to master personal development and leadership skills.  A four-tiered program, implemented this year specifically for district employees, was redesigned to provide a learning environment and opportunities that may appeal to wider audience.
Col. Thomas H. Magness IV. District commander for the L.A. District, and program leaders, committed to developing professional and leadership development, recognize every staff member has unique priorities, and varying professional goals and objectives.
The program’s goal is to develop leaders at all levels, across all functional areas and career programs.  The program is also designed to meet the needs of prospective and current leaders at various stages of development.

“LDP is a significant contributor to the Chief's objective of transformation from ‘Good to Great,’” said David Boals, District Leadership Development Coordinator. “Learning organizations need internal leaders who consistently recognize situations that need to be addressed, organize effective action with others, and draw lessons from results.”  According to Boals, someone who has solid training and confidence can change things by taking initiative.  The LDP is intended to lay the groundwork for that behavior.

“The program exemplifies our leadership’s commitment to growing a learning organization,” he said. “Ours is an organization that enables us to effectively serve the Army and our nation; one that reinforces the USACE vision – One Team:  Relevant, Ready, Responsible and Reliable.”
During a speech to L.A. District retirees’ in November, Magness discussed the continuing importance of the district “One in 10 Americans lives within the Los Angeles District,” he said. “Everyone wants to develop [within the district boundaries].”
The district’s workload continues to grow.  During 2008, district officials predict the Los Angeles District will award more than $1 billion in construction contracts.
“We are a valued service provider that does the right things for the right reasons,” said Magness.
One of the things he said the district does ‘do right’ is to invest in people. LDP is one of his prime examples. This year’s LDP will last from January through September. Participants will be involved in projects designed to enhance and develop their leadership skills.

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