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Home arrow News Room arrow News Releases arrow NR07-23 - Corps Awards Contract For Fort Huachuca Family Housing Renovation
NR07-23 - Corps Awards Contract For Fort Huachuca Family Housing Renovation Print
Written by Jennie Ayala   
Friday, 28 September 2007

ImageNews Release 07-23
US Army Corps Of Engineers
September 28, 2007 Immediate

Jennie Ayala
Telephone: (602) 640-2989 x285
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


LOS ANGELES — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Los Angeles District has awarded a $28.5 million military construction contract to Sundt Construction, Inc., one of the nation’s largest builders of military family housing.

Sundt will build 90 housing units in the Gatewood neighborhoods Fort Huachuca, Ariz.  Two hundred and sixty-eight substandard family housing units will be demolished to make way for the new single- and multi-family homes.

“Fort Huachuca’s family housing neighborhoods now look like any modern suburban development emphasizing the ‘village concept plan’, quite a change from the previous 1950s era housing tracts,” said Corps Project Manager, Rob Lewis.
This is the seventh family housing project administered by the Corp’s Fort Huachuca project office since 1998.  

Directorate of Public Works, Housing Division Chief, Sylvia Pete, cites the team effort among the Housing Division, the Corps of Engineers, the Installation Management office and the contractor for providing quality family housing at Fort Huachuca.

“The new housing is energy efficient, low maintenance, attractive and meets or exceeds the needs of today’s Soldier and their families,” said Pete.  “We take great pride knowing we played a role in improving our Soldiers’ quality of life for years to come.”
U.S. Rep Gabrielle Gifford, whose congressional district includes Fort Huachuca, commended the Corps for awarding this contract.  Gifford said housing at the fort has long been in need of an overhaul.  The project is the latest step in the plan to provide all Army personnel and their families with comfortable, modern housing.

“If we ask our men and women in uniform to put themselves in harm’s way, the least we can do is provide them and their families with adequate housing,” said Gifford.  “Our noncommissioned officers are the backbone of our Army, and we depend on them for their leadership.”

The Army Corps of Engineers constructs projects like these that contribute to the national defense mission by improving readiness and enhancing the quality of life for military members and their families on Army and Air Force installations worldwide.

Under various federal laws, the Corps awards contracts on a regular basis for work related to its many projects.  Interested parties can learn more about Los Angeles District contracting at

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