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US Army Corps of Engineers
Los Angeles District
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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Corps responds to TIME cover story, "The Threatening Storm"
Corps responds to TIME cover story, "The Threatening Storm" Print

WASHINGTON (Aug. 13, 2007) -- TIME Magazine's Aug. 13 cover story, "The Threatening Storm," contains errors and misrepresentation of facts with respect to the Corps and ongoing efforts to improve hurricane and storm damage reduction for Southeast Louisiana.

"The misrepresentation of the situation in Louisiana by TIME Magazine is damaging to efforts to get essential, factual information to the people and community leaders of New Orleans," said Maj. Gen. Don T. Riley, Director of Civil Works for the Corps.  "The article's reckless disregard for the truth undermines the real science and risk information citizens need to make informed decisions about rebuilding."

The Corps' complete response to the article can be found at:

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