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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Corps, Capps join Santa Barbara County for Santa Maria levee project
Corps, Capps join Santa Barbara County for Santa Maria levee project Print
Written by Daniel J. Calderón   
Wednesday, 08 August 2007

SANTA MARIA, Calif. (Aug. 7, 2007) – At a meeting held today at the Santa Barbara County Administration office here, Congresswoman Lois Capps joined with Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District representatives to pledge support for the continuation of the Santa Maria River levee project.
“California has a lot of challenges,” said Capps. “Our levee is the major one in Southern California.”

The Santa Maria River levee was rated “poor” during a recent national levee inventory.  The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) subsequently drafted a revised flood map that now includes most properties in Santa Maria.  In order to combat the problem, the Corps is working on a joint emergency action plan (EAP) with Santa Barbara County.

“Levee safety is a shared responsibility with our local, state and other federal partners,” said Col. Thomas H. Magness IV, district commander. “When the levee was constructed in 1962, it was done with the best science available at that time. Now, we’re learning more about how the river meanders and how it attacks.”

Since initial construction, the 19-mile long levee has sustained considerable damage caused by concentrated flows that meander and strike the levee at a sharp angle.  These flows often undermine the rock facing that protects the levee from erosion. In the past, the county has brought in rocks to bolster the levee; however, the river’s persistent flow has continued to erode the barrier. One of the challenges, according to Capps, has been funding for the project.
“It looks favorable that we’re getting $300,000 for this program,” she said.

Magness pointed out the funding process, though difficult, is not an insurmountable obstacle.

“We have the general authority [under the Flood Control Act] to assess the structure and propose modifications,” he said. “However, we’ll need to use the Corps’ normal Civil Works process to authorize and fund any rehabilitation project.
Another challenge Capps pointed out was the tendency in the past for local, state and federal agencies to approach projects in a uniform manner. Capps praised Magness’ new methodology.

“I was impressed with his approach in that they are unique plans for this project. The way used to be standard for all areas. I’m excited to see Colonel Magness recognizes that one size does not fit all.”

The Corps is currently working with the county under the EAP to assess risks and determine the most efficient and timely manner in which to proceed.
“Our goal is to fulfill our responsibility to maintain public safety while also complying with relevant environmental laws, regulations and policies,” said Magness.
The Corps recognizes the importance of local infrastructure to national security. The Corps is committed to working closely with local, state and federal partners and stakeholders to ensure the safety and reliability of the national levee system. For more information on the Santa Maria River levee project, visit the Santa Barbara County Web site at For more information on Corps projects, visit the Los Angeles District Web site at

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