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Home arrow News Room arrow News Releases arrow NR06-12 - Corps Removes Arundo From Whittier Narrows
NR06-12 - Corps Removes Arundo From Whittier Narrows Print
Written by Jay Field   
Friday, 20 October 2006

ImageNews Release 06-12
US Army Corps Of Engineers
October 20, 2006 Immediate

Jay Field
Telephone: (213) 452-3920
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


An estimated 29,000 tons of dirt and cut-down Arundo donax, an invasive plant, were removed from the Whittier Narrows Flood Control Basin Sept. 27, where it had been stockpiled since it was cleared from the San Gabriel River three years ago.

Initial estimates to remove the material pegged the cost at $1.4 million.  “A little creative thinking and further investigation indicated that only a small portion of the material would need to go to a landfill,” said Operations Chief Steve Dwyer.  Testing revealed that the dirt in the Arundo pile was cleaner than the native, surrounding dirt.  The “clean” dirt could be spread around the basin, he said, while only the vegetation would need to go to the landfill. The revised project cost $300,000, saving more than a million dollars from the initial estimate.

Corps contractor Thomas Land Clearing (TLC) was awarded the contract to sort the “clean” dirt from the vegetation.  TLC used a “shaker” to separate the materials, spreading the “clean” dirt on the grounds and stockpiling the vegetation.  The contractor then disposed of the vegetation in a nearby landfill, completing the one-month operation Sept. 27.

“Thanks to the patience of nearby residents, the support of surrounding communities, and the leadership of Congresswoman Hilda Solis, this project was a great success,” said Los Angeles District Engineer Col. Alex Dornstauder.  “We are proud to have been part of this team that came up with a plan which not only removed an eyesore, but saved taxpayer dollars as well,” he added.


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