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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Mom In Contracting Has 12-Year-Old Star
Mom In Contracting Has 12-Year-Old Star Print
Written by Mike Tharp   
Monday, 05 June 2006

Ashley-Nicole Mitchell, called “a Corps baby” by her mother, Georgia Muse of Contracting Division, is a 12-year-old star on the rise.

The sixth-grader at prestigious Lord Baden Powell School in Anaheim, Calif., has been accepted into the equally prestigious Oxford Academy in Orange County.  Acceptance was a formality, as Ashley-Nicole scored 95 percent on the preparatory school’s admittance exam, with an IQ registered at 134.  At Baden-Powell she’s been on the honor roll five straight years, and recently was nominated by teachers and school board members to be 2006 Student of the Year.

She’s also been selected to compete in the 2006 Miss Pre-Teen Anaheim pageant, competing with 30 other young women.  That title includes $5,000 in scholarships and prizes, awarded after contestants display their personalities and interview skills to a judging panel. 

The pageant also includes modeling routines of both casual and formal wear.  Personality is regarded as the main standard by which contestants will be judged.  Businesses, organizations, private donors and others have become Ashley-Nicole’s official sponsors for the pageant.

For the past five years, she has participated in Tahitian dance, Polynesian dance, belly dancing and cheerleading.  She’s also an active member at her church in West Los Angeles and just finished recording a children’s Christian CD.  Early in her academic career, she learned to speak fluent Spanish.

“I’m very proud of her and what the future holds for her,” said Muse, a procurement technician in Contracting.  “She personifies this country’s future leaders.  I believe the sky’s the limit for this up-and-coming young lady.”

As of today, Ashley-Nicole hopes to become a professor of English and teach and work closely with young people.  “I believe her compassion to give back to her community stems from being an only child,” Muse said.

 Whatever the motive, Ashley-Nicole seems destined for even more important achievements in the future.  “I told her, ‘Maybe you can come to work for the Corps,’” said Mom.

Sounds like a great hire.

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