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Home arrow News Room arrow News Releases arrow NR06-10 - Soil Sampling Continues In Ford City
NR06-10 - Soil Sampling Continues In Ford City Print
Written by Greg Fuderer   
Thursday, 11 May 2006

ImageNews Release 06-10
US Army Corps Of Engineers
May 11, 2006 Immediate

Greg Fuderer
Telephone: (213) 452-3923
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


LOS ANGELES— The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will continue a Preliminary Endangerment Assessment (PEA) the week of May 15, 2006 when field representatives collect soil samples at two former drill sites in Ford City, Calif. The ultimate goal of the assessment is the approval of a clean closure of eight former drill sites and the transfer of ownership of the property from the Department of Energy.

Two sites will be investigated during this field visit - Site 3A, the vacant lot near the intersection of Lincoln & Hawthorne Streets and Site 24, the vacant lot at the intersection of Ash & Polk Streets. At each site a backhoe will dig 24 three-foot-deep holes. A total of 72 soil samples will be collected at varying depths (0-0.5’ below ground surface [bgs], 1.5-2.0’ bgs, and 2.5-3.0’ bgs). After soil samples are taken, the holes will be backfilled the same day. The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) will conduct oversight of the field work.

A private laboratory will test the samples for an extensive list of potential contaminants.

Last month, the Corps sampled soil in the vicinity of the eight former drill sites. These ambient samples identify the types and concentrations of chemicals and metals that result from natural “background” conditions, as well as any anthropogenic activities (e.g. automobile exhaust, residential chimney emissions, etc.) that are not related to the drill sites but may have impacted area soils.

The Corps will compare the results of the DS-3A and DS-24 samples with the results of the ambient samples from locations adjacent to the eight drill sites. Comparing the results will show whether concentrations of any chemicals detected at sites DS-3A and DS-24 are at ambient levels, or are elevated due to some site-specific activity.

The eight former drill sites are part of the Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 2 (NPR-2) established in 1912 about 30 miles southwest of Bakersfield as a potential source of fuel for the nation’s naval vessels. The drill sites were kept vacant to allow for petroleum extraction, but they were never developed or otherwise used by the United States. Each drill site is a vacant, undeveloped two-acre parcel. Residences were constructed adjacent to the parcels in the 1920s and 1930s prior to and shortly after the establishment of Ford City in 1923. Properties in the vicinity of the drill sites are mainly single-family residences, apartment buildings, churches and small grocery stores.

Late summer of 2006 the Army Corps of Engineers and the DOE will prepare and submit a Work Plan Addendum to DTSC for approval. The plan will detail sampling activities required to complete PEAs for the remaining six sites. Sampling at the remaining six drill sites is anticipated to occur in early November 2006.

Depending on results of the November 2006 activities, PEA Reports and Remedial Action Work Plans will be prepared, as appropriate, and submitted to DTSC to determine which sites can be closed out as “No Further Action” and which sites may require additional assessment, remediation or both.

For further information, please contact Greg Fuderer at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District Public Affairs Office, 213 452-3923.



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