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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow March Air Reserve Base Renovation Highlights
March Air Reserve Base Renovation Highlights Print
Written by Jay Field   
Friday, 03 June 2005

An Air Force C-17 Globemaster sits outside the newly constructed maintenance hangar at March Air Reserve Base. Bryan Construction designed and built the $15 million, 42,000 square foot facility for the Los Angeles District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to support the giant cargo plane, eight of which are soon to be stationed at the base. The hangar features a light-reflecting stain resistant floor, a high-tech fire suppression system and a water recycling system. U.S. Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Ca.) participated in the June 1 dedication of the hangar and two other facilities at March ARB, totaling $37 million, saying the improvements will sustain the vital role the base plays in defense of the nation. (Photo by Jay Field)

Tripling in size, the new $7 million, 51,000 square foot fire station at March Air Reserve Base replaces its 1950s-era predecessor and adds vehicle bays, improved living quarters and an enhanced communications center for firefighters. The Los Angeles District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project enables March’s firefighters to support the C-17 Globemaster and cargo carrier DHL which will both begin operating at the base this fall. U.S. Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Ca.) participated in the June 1 dedication of the station and two other facilities at March ARB, totaling $37 million, saying the improvements will sustain the vital role the base plays in defense of the nation. (Photo by Jay Field)

Dignitaries explore the cockpit of the new C-17 flight simulator at March Air Reserve Base where pilots will train before taking the controls of the giant cargo plane soon to be stationed at the base. The Los Angeles District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers renovated the building which houses the $15 million simulator and other training systems. U.S. Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Ca.) participated in the June 1 dedication of the simulator and two other facilities at March ARB, totaling $37 million, saying the improvements will sustain the vital role the base plays in defense of the nation. (Photo by Jay Field)
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