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Home arrow News Room arrow News Releases arrow NR02-05 - Corps Begins Repairs Of Hansen Dam Aquatic Center
NR02-05 - Corps Begins Repairs Of Hansen Dam Aquatic Center Print
Written by Dr. Fred-Otto Egeler   
Tuesday, 23 April 2002

ImageNews Release 02-05
US Army Corps Of Engineers
April 23, 2002 Immediate

Dr. Fred-Otto Egeler
Telephone: (213) 452-3921
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Corps of Engineers begins repairs of Hansen Dam Aquatic Center Swim Lake

LOS ANGELES, Calif. - Construction will begin April 24 to repair broken pipes in the water filtration system in the swim lake at the Hansen Dam Aquatic Center. This "fast-tracked" repair project plans to be completed in time for the summer swimming season.

The Hansen Dam Aquatic Center was constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in partnership with the City of Los Angeles. It is operated and maintained by the City's Department of Parks and Recreation.

In the course of off-season maintenance activities, City maintenance workers detected water leaks and cracks in the concrete of the swim take. The City asked the Corps to investigate the problems. After the initial assessment of the problem the Corps concluded that the leaking pipes and cracked concrete would need to be replaced.

The Corps has contracted with Stronghold Engineering, Inc. of Riverside, Calif. to replace the pipes that supply water to the lake, construct a new watertight concrete bottom and to return the system to operation in time for the 4th of July opening of the summer swimming season.

Key leaders in the Federal Government are taking a personal interest in this project.

"We know how important this recreation facility is to the residents of the San Fernando Valley's Lake Lawn Terrace community," stated the Corps' Los Angeles District Commander, Col. Richard G. Thompson. "We are committed to restoring the swim lake to operation in time for the 4th of July weekend."

"I've worked many years bringing this swim lake to our community and my constituents love it," said Congressman Howard L. Berman. "It pains me to see this swim lake empty and I have insisted that it not be closed to the public one more day than absolutely necessary."



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