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Home arrow News Room arrow News Releases arrow NR02-12 - The South Bay Benefits From New Water Recycling Project
NR02-12 - The South Bay Benefits From New Water Recycling Project Print
Written by Jennie Ayala   
Tuesday, 27 August 2002

ImageNews Release 02-12
US Army Corps Of Engineers
August 27, 2002 Immediate

Jennie Ayala
Telephone: (602) 640-2989 x285
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

The South Bay benefits from new water recycling project 

Los Angeles, -- The Corps of Engineers, with its sponsor the West Basin Municipal Water District, will celebrate a new water recycling project affecting 10 cities in the South Bay.  Employing a 30-mile-long lattice work of underground pipelines connected to a network of pumping stations, storage reservoirs and treatment plants, the $46.7 million project will ensure that a broad cross-section of the community educational and recreational services will get enough water.  Numerous industrial and corporate customers will also receive the recycled wastewater after it is treated at the Hyperion Treatment Plant and the West Basin Water Recycling facility in El Segundo.

Cities benefiting from the project include Los Angeles, Carson, Torrance, Inglewood, Hawthorne, Rolling Hills, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Gardena, Palos Verdes, and Compton.

Design and construction of a series of 12 laterals and extensions of existing mainstream pipelines is estimated to be completed in fiscal year 2005.

The recycled water is not meant for human consumption; however it will free up valuable supplies of drinkable water.  The water will be used to irrigate public golf courses, grassy traffic medians and a marsh and wildlife habitat.

The signing ceremony will take place on August 29, 2002, at 11:00 a.m., at West Basin’s Water Recycling Facility and Visitors Center located at 1935 Hughes Way, El Segundo, CA.

For additional information, please contact the Los Angeles District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Public Affairs Office at 213-452-3923.


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