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Home arrow News Room arrow News Releases arrow NR02-18 - Corps To Build $11.9 Million Missile Transport Bridge
NR02-18 - Corps To Build $11.9 Million Missile Transport Bridge Print
Written by Dr. Fred-Otto Egeler   
Wednesday, 02 October 2002

ImageNews Release 02-18
US Army Corps Of Engineers
October 2, 2002 Immediate

Dr. Fred-Otto Egeler
Telephone: (213) 452-3921
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Corps of Engineers to build $11.9 million Missile Transport Bridge at Vandenberg AFB

LOS ANGELES—The Army Corps of Engineers’ Los Angeles District has awarded an $11.9 million contract to Straub Construction, Inc. of Bonsall, Calif. To design and build a Missile Transport Bridge (causeway) to replace the existing bridge on El Rancho Road at Vandenberg Air Force Base.

The 600 meter long by ten meter wide causeway type bridge will span the San Antonio Creek to provide reliable year around access between the southern and northern portions Vandenberg, according to Maj. Terry Seaman, project officer for the bridge construction. “During more significant storms, the river overtops the roadway and existing bridge causing the road to be shut down until the floodwaters subside.”
The bridge construction includes 6ft to 8ft diameter drilled caissons to a depth of 125ft, bents, and girders to support the bridge deck. “The current bridge area floods during the rainy season and poses big problems for us and the two-lane bridge will span San Antonio Creek wetlands and provide a flood-free crossing for flood flows up to 100-year level,” Seaman said.  “It will also allow for the existing roadway embankment and bridge to be removed from the environmentally sensitive wetlands below it.

“It’s taken two-and-a-half years for us to get through all the environmental hurdles,” Seaman said.  “Otherwise we could have awarded this contract more than a year ago.”

Related work includes new approach pavement, demolition of the existing bridge deck, relocation of existing electrical and communications lines, and revegetation, habitat restoration and protection of special-status wildlife species. Environmental mitigation requirements are to be implemented per EIS document.

“I started this project and it looks like I’ll be able to see it through to completion in December 2003,” the major said. 

Under various federal laws, the Corps awards contracts on a regular basis for work related to its many projects.  Interested parties can contact the Los Angeles District at its Internet site ( for details.



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