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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow L.A. District Supports National Guard Convention
L.A. District Supports National Guard Convention Print
Written by Dr. Fred-Otto Egeler   
Tuesday, 10 September 2002

ImageLONG BEACH, Finding a chance to check out the systems on the Corps Rapid Response Vehicle, members of the Los Angeles District Emergency Management Branch took in on the road......all the way to Long Beach to support the National Guard Convention's Press Operations Section. Bijan Nooranbakht, in the rear talks with the EM Branch while members of the California State Military Reserve (left to right) CPT Rick Lalor, MAJ Fred-Otto Egeler and 1SG Ward Roney talk with members of the press and write releases for publication.

"This was a chance to show off our vehicle and to work on it and the systems," commented Ed Andrews, EM Manager. "We don't always get a chance like this. The vehicle sets in the baseyard and we maintain it, but seldom get to actually use all the systems. There were some little things we needed to check out and they helped us to that. We know that all our radios work and the batteries stay charged.

Image"We also learned how to acquire and hook up land lines and electricity. We set up communications links and had computers out for them to use" Andrews said. "It was a win-win situation for all of us. We got a chance to check our equipment and they had a chance to work from a mobile news center."

More than 4,500 guardsmen from around the country attended the event held at the Long Beach Convention Center from 6 to 9 September.

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