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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow LACDA Project Wins Prestigious Public Works Award
LACDA Project Wins Prestigious Public Works Award Print
Written by Mike Tharp   
Tuesday, 01 October 2002


The Los Angeles County Drainage Area (LACDA) flood control project won one of the nation’s most prestigious public works awards at a ceremony in Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 23.

The American Public Works Assn. (APWA), with 67 chapters and 26,000 members in North America, cited the “extraordinary partnership” among the managing agencies-- including the L.A. District of the Corps--public officials and contractors as one of the reasons for picking the project.

“Throughout the six years of LACDA construction,” the associated stated, “the channel maintained its flood control function. During construction, vehicular, railroad and utility bridges remained operable as well.” APWA also praised LACDA for being completed five years ahead of schedule and $150 million under budget, at a final cost of $216 million.

Other projects receiving APWA awards included a park at San Antonio’s famous River Walk, renovation at Boston Harbor, seismic rehabilitation of the Los Angeles City Hall and a light rail system expansion in Portland, Ore. Altogether, projects in 11 states were recognized by APWA at its annual meeting in Kansas City.

“Your selection puts you in a very elite group of winners,” Lee Hawkins, APWA’s director of awards and recognition, wrote to the District. LACDA “epitomize(s) the public works profession and our association.”

The LACDA project was characterized by several innovative engineering solutions, such as modifying the “noses” of bridge piers, which eliminated the need to raise many bridges. This single innovation significantly reduced the cost and duration of the project and minimized traffic disruptions in the area.

Lt. Col. John Guenther, deputy commander, represented the District and the Corps at the ceremony.

Founded in 1937, APWA is the largest and oldest public works association in the U.S. Members include public agencies, private sector companies and individuals involved in public works goods and services.

The District’s project manager was Nino J. Issakhan; Christopher J. Stone represented Los Angeles County. When completed, LACDA’s flood control capability affected 500,000 residents and 177,000 structures in 14 communities spread over 82 square miles along the Los Angeles River.

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