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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Serpa Wins Congressional Award For Whittier Basin Work
Serpa Wins Congressional Award For Whittier Basin Work Print
Written by Mike Tharp   
Thursday, 10 July 2003

U.S. Representative Hilda Solis presents Phil Serpa with a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition
For all the compliments coming Phil Serpa's way, you might think he walks on water.

He doesn't, but the Operations Branch outdoor recreation planner does organize twice-a-year cleanups along the banks of the San Gabriel River. And he's District liaison with the many stakeholders who enjoy the Whittier Narrows Basin.

For his efforts, Serpa recently was awarded a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition by Congresswoman Hilda Solis. The certificate praised Serpa for his "outstanding and invaluable service to the community."

Said Benita Duran, senior field representative caseworker for Congresswoman Solis's office: "Phil is our liaison, and the environment is the main backbone of the Congresswoman's platform. Phil is really a go-getter, a great community organizer, a grassroots person, very knowledgeable, very dedicated. Because of his professional relationship, he's been so instrumental in the river cleanup."

Added David Jallo, regional park superintendent for the L.A. County Dept. of Parks and Recreation: "Phil has been helping with organizing the San Gabriel River cleanup the last three years-getting dump trucks, getting personnel to help remove the trash. He's very helpful in coordinating environmental issues between the county and the federal government."

In August Serpa will finish his fourth year as liaison, helping coordinate the District's responses to those leasing and using some 2,000 acres of the Whittier Narrows Basin. Around 1,900 acres are leased by L.A. County, another 120 by the city of Pico Rivera and an oil company, strawberry farms and a nursery also lease acreage.

"Anytime there's an issue or concern, the county calls me or the community calls me," says Serpa. "I also get involved in community functions like the river cleanup. For example, if the community complains about trash being dumped in certain locations, I'll contact our Maintenance folks and they'll go out and help clean it up."

Serpa understands the importance of the area to surrounding communities. Whittier Narrows Basin features golf courses, baseball and soccer fields, paddle boating, fishing. "An area that size is very valuable to the community," he says. "I don't think you can really quantify the value. It's a place to go daily and walk or run, to take the family on weekends for parties and get-togethers. You just appreciate that it's there and take full advantage of it."

Serpa should know. He and his family live less than three miles away, and they often take advantage of its attractions.

In his case, bringing your work home is all good.

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