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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Chief Engineer Visits, Inspires San Diego Field Office
Chief Engineer Visits, Inspires San Diego Field Office Print
Written by Mike Tharp   
Thursday, 28 August 2003

Image“If not us, who? If not now, when?”

That’s the mantra LTG Robert Flowers, chief engineer, has invoked to explain the Corps’ readiness to support the nation in the war on terrorism.

It also set the tone for LTG Flowers’ recent visit and lunch with District team members at the San Diego Project/Field Office. He discussed his vision for the Corps, the agency’s involvement in projects around the world and its current mission in Iraq.

“Gen. Flowers was pleasant, personable and very informative,” said Kevin Thomas, project engineer for the San Diego Project Office.

The chief engineer asked team members, individually, what they did and what they were currently working on. Attending from the Construction Section were Thomas, B.J. Allen, Kathy Berkheimer, Randy Lee and John Yates. From the Regulatory Section came Jeannette Baker, Shannon Bryant, Kari Coler, Terry Dean and Rob Lawrence.

Yates, a construction rep, picked up Gen. Flowers and his staff at San Diego International Airport and drove them to their hotel. Besides meeting with Corps people, Gen. Flowers attended and addressed a public works seminar. For his help to the general, Yates received a gold coin from him.

“All in all, the general was pleased and impressed with the folks who work in San Diego,” Thomas said. “I would venture to say that Gen. Flowers enjoyed his lunch, visit and stay in San Diego.”


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