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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow LA District Supports "Citzens In Peace, Soldier In War"
LA District Supports "Citzens In Peace, Soldier In War" Print
Written by Greg Fuderer   
Thursday, 23 December 2004

Maj. Gen. Thomas Eres said that family, employer and community support for the military is essential for the successful completion of its missions
Recognizing the District's latest action to support the Global War on Terror, District Engineer Col. Alex Dornstauder attended a groundbreaking ceremony for the California Army National Guard's new Readiness Center in Lancaster, Calif.

The two-story 53,000-square-foot armory will rise on a 14-acre site next to Gen. William J. Fox Airport and will include two smaller buildings. Salt Lake City-based ProTech Corp. is the contractor for the $12.5 million project.

"This is important work," said Dornstauder, who returned in September from several months' duty in Iraq. "It's a great opportunity to work with the Guard, build relationships and provide the support they need for this project and other in the years to come."

Maj. Gen. Thomas Eres, Adjutant General for the California Guard, told an audience of local officials, civic leaders and military representatives that the center is a crucial part of the nation's defense. "There are three constants that are essential for soldiers to accomplish their mission," he said. "Support from family, employers and community. We need all those."

Scheduled for completion in May 2006, the armory will serve as home for up to 289 soldiers and 10 officers of the 756th Transportation Co., a unit Eres described as "the soul of the facility." One of the company's missions is to carry fuel and other petroleum products to frontline units.

The readiness center will also host 1184th Supply Co. Both have already completed missions overseas to support Operation Iraqi Freedom.

The center is one of five to be built over the next two years.

Before the groundbreaking, Dornstauder received a project briefing from Alex Azares and Galen Cline at the District's High Desert Office in Palmdale. Azares is chief of the office's Technical Support Branch and Cline will serve as the District's construction representative on the project.

Dornstauder intends to continue his indoctrination tour of the District in 2005.

Lancaster's post-World War II history is filled with similar examples of community support for military activities. It is near Edwards Air Force Base, whose test pilots were made famous in the book and film, "The Right Stuff." Near the base was the famous aviatrix Pancho Barnes and her Happy Bottom Riding Club featured in both the book and movie. Other aircraft tested near Lancaster were the U-2, B-2 stealth bomber, SR71 "Blackbird" and the B-1b.

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