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Home arrow News Room arrow News Releases arrow NR06-01 - Pier 400 Crude Oil Marine Terminal
NR06-01 - Pier 400 Crude Oil Marine Terminal Print
Written by Greg Fuderer   
Friday, 03 February 2006

ImageNews Release 06-01
US Army Corps Of Engineers
January 26, 2006 Immediate

Greg Fuderer
Telephone: (213) 452-3923
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Pier 400 Crude Oil Marine Terminal 

LOS ANGELES – Pacific Energy Partners Ltd. recently held a series of community forums regarding their proposed Pier 400 Crude Oil Marine Terminal. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is evaluating an application from Pacific Energy Partners for permits to construct the proposed facility. Corps permits are required under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act.

The Corps is issuing this statement to clarify that the opinions, analyses and evaluations presented by Pacific Energy Partners at their community forums are those of Pacific Energy alone and do not represent the opinions, scientific evaluation or agency position of the Corps of Engineers. 

The Corps and the Port of Los Angeles held a joint public scoping meeting on July 8th, 2004, at which time the Corps and the Port of Los Angeles received testimony from the public about the proposed project. The Corps accepted written comments until July 16th, 2004. A transcript of the hearing is available at:

Information regarding the Corps of Engineers official evaluations of the proposed project will be presented in the Draft EIS/EIR when it is complete. The Corps anticipates completion of the draft by Spring 2006.  Please visit the Corps’ Port of Los Angeles updated Web page for further information.

For additional information, please contact the Corps’ Los Angeles District Public Affairs Office at 213-452-3923.

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