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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Corps hosts 24th Annual Retiree Recognition Day
Corps hosts 24th Annual Retiree Recognition Day Print
Written by Danny Kelly   
Thursday, 04 December 2008

Retirees from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles district attended a day held in their honor at the district’s headquarters Dec. 2.

More than 30 retirees attended the 24th Annual Los Angeles District Retiree Recognition Day.

Lt. Col. Glen Reed, Los Angeles District deputy commander, welcomed retirees at the holiday-decorated luncheon, and thanked them for their service.

“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you’ve done,” he said. “We haven’t forgotten you, and we never will.”

Reed updated retirees on the status of the district, from changes in district structure to current projects such as the border fence between the United States and Mexico.

Retirees were also afforded the opportunity to partake in chair yoga through a presentation by Shilo Nelson, the district’s Wellness-Fitness Coordinator.

Brian Moore, deputy district engineer for programs and project management, gave a presentation as well.

Retirees ate a selection of beef, chicken, salad, mashed potatoes and garlic bread sticks catered from Stonefire Grill for lunch after Moore’s presentation. Col. Thomas Magness IV, district commander, spoke to retirees during the meal.

“The only thing that’s stayed the same, is we keep changing,” Magness said, referencing current changes in the district’s structure. “That’s the only thing that’s stayed constant.”

Retirees and current district employees are like a family, according to Magness.

“It’s a family affair,” he said, referencing the common bond employees and retirees share through the Corps.

“We’re happy that this family keeps us informed; because that’s the way you feel when you work for the Corps of Engineers. It’s different from other agencies,” said Valaria Lincoln, Los Angeles District retiree.

Lincoln was one of several former employees to attend the event. She wrote specifications for projects when the district’s headquarters was located on Los Angeles Street, and retired in 1972.

“I try to come every year,” she said. “I appreciated it. The retirees – we are still the Corps of Engineers.”

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