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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Corps, Pima County dedicate project, play some ball
Corps, Pima County dedicate project, play some ball Print
Written by Daniel J. Calderón   
Monday, 03 November 2008

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dedicated the Arroyo Chico-Cherry Field Detention Basin in Tucson, Ariz. Nov. 1. The Tucson Unified School District will be able to use the fields for their sports programs. In addition, the basin serves to increase the flood damage reduction capacity of the area. More than 1,000 residential, commercial and industrial structures have been removed from the 100-year floodplain as a result of the project’s completion.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dedicated the Arroyo Chico-Cherry Field Detention Basin in Tucson, Ariz. Nov. 1. The Tucson Unified School District will be able to use the fields for their sports programs. In addition, the basin serves to increase the flood damage reduction capacity of the area. More than 1,000 residential, commercial and industrial structures have been removed from the 100-year floodplain as a result of the project’s completion.
TUCSON, Ariz. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers joined with Pima County representatives to perform a dedication ceremony for the completion of construction on the Tucson Drainage Area/Arroyo Chico Multi-Use Project held in Tucson Nov.1.

The gathering took place at the Cherry Field Detention Basin at the end of Cherry Ave. On hand were area residents along with Pima County Board supervisors and representatives from the offices of Congressional representatives Raúl Grijalva and Gabrielle Giffords.

“This project did not happen without a great synergy,” said Col. Thomas H. Magness IV, Los Angeles District commander. “All of the organizations involved do well on their own. Working together, the whole, or hole in this case, was greater than the sum of their individual parts," he said referring to the fact nearly half-a-million cubic yards of dirt were removed to create the detention basin.

Col. Thomas H. Magness IV, Los Angeles District commander, takes a swing during the district’s softball game against Pima County employees Nov. 1 at the Arroyo Chico-Cherry Field Detention Basin in Tucson, Ariz. The Corps took on county employees to inaugurate the field after celebrating the completion of the project, which is Phase 2 of a three-phase project to provide flood damage reduction in the Tucson metropolitan area.
Col. Thomas H. Magness IV, Los Angeles District commander, takes a swing during the district’s softball game against Pima County employees Nov. 1 at the Arroyo Chico-Cherry Field Detention Basin in Tucson, Ariz. The Corps took on county employees to inaugurate the field after celebrating the completion of the project, which is Phase 2 of a three-phase project to provide flood damage reduction in the Tucson metropolitan area.
The project was authorized by Section 1135, Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (PL-99-662). The Corps, in partnership with the City of Tucson and the Pima County Flood Control District designed the area as a multi-phase flood control, environmental restoration and recreation project. Benefits to the local community include an improved athletic facility at the Cherry Field site and improved flood damage reduction to the area. 

The Corps broke ground on the project in July 2007. The Tucson Unified School District will use the baseball, softball and other sports fields. After the ceremony, Magness joined Corps employees and contractors to take on Pima County employees in a six-inning softball game on the new ball field. Even though Magness brought in two base runners in a bottom-of-the-fifth rally, the Corps team fell to the Pima team 6-5.
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