Home arrow NewsCastle arrow Oct 2007 Issue arrow 10.3 Commander's Message
NewsCastle - Commander's Message Print

Vol. 37 No. 3         A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers          October 2007

Commander's Message


Colonel Thomas H. Magness, IV Commander, Los Angeles District
Colonel Thomas H. Magness, IV Commander, Los Angeles District
While we are busy "high-fiving" over our great end of year performance and rolling up our sleeves at the beginning of this next one, let's take a minute to examine our personal and on-the-job record with regard to safety.  While we have done well and have met or exceeded the Army standard for safety statistics, we can and must do better and stay ever vigilant.

On the job, we must ensure that every project has a safety component in the Project Management Plan (PMP) and that this living document is constantly updated.  At construction and field sites we must conduct daily risk assessments.  And we must never walk by an unsafe act.  Every one of us is accountable to each other and is fully empowered to stop anything that does not look right.  Across the district, we must all exercise our "spider senses," whether in the field or in the office, and watch for anything that could cause an injury…or worse.

Off the job, we must exercise common sense and do things like drive defensively, slow down during inclement weather, and never (NEVER!) drive impaired.  We should do the same sort of risk assessments in our homes or before we do anything with any risk, and teach these skills to our families.

Remember, the Army needs you.  And so does the district - and its commander!  Be safe in everything that you do…that is an order!  Hooah!


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